All by myself.

So, I'm in a rut today. Which is okay, I think. I've been waiting for the 'right time' to write about this.

The short version is that this morning while getting Little Miss and Mr. Man ready to leave the house I got an e-mail from a professor. It was sent to myself and my four other group members, "commenting" on our presentation last week. Which is FINE - seriously, bring on the feedback. If I don't know what or where I/we went wrong then I can't learn how or what to improve, right? I've learned tonnes in school from comments and suggestions in the margins of my papers and assignments.

This e-mail....wasn't so much comments as.....well, just MEAN. And I'm the only one in the group who was singled out. Apparently I AM THE WEAKEST LINK.

Now, my group members have done their best to quell my worries that this is in fact TRUE; they all deny vehemently I presented poorly and one goes so far as to accuse the prof. of "picking" on me. Which, honestly, I wouldn't put past him.

But none of this is the point. I'm done talking about this today. I can't talk about it anymore. I'm tired of trying to find the CONSTRUCTIVE in the criticism I received. The longer I think about and work on it the more torqued up I get and feel.

So fine. Big deal. I'm having a bad day. It happens. Who cares?

Well, THAT'S my problem.

And I KNOW I'm going to get messages in the comments section and on Facebook in response to this, but I don't have any friends.


I have buds and pals and people who I think like me who I like. I even have people I think are friends who turn out not so much to be, and there are SOME people I wish were my friends. Or a few who were once friends who....moved on and left me behind.

Think of it this way: who do you call when you're feeling trodden underfoot? Like you'd rather die than be alone? Like the last thing on Earth you can do is go home and face your two-year-old? When you're so torqued up about something your heart is literally racing, your limbs won't stop bouncing, your fingers are constantly tapping, and the word dinner almost reduces you to tears?? Don't you have someone?

Even if you don't have someone you have your significant other??

I have no one. Mr. Man doesn't even get home until 7:30, on a good night. By that time I need to be deep into my next assignment, putting Little Miss to bed.... if we take time to connect and him help me through my funk I can't get my homework done. Or if I do...I'll be up all night. Again.

When I think who to call.....I draw a blank. No one.

And then I put it back on me. Who would call me??

No one.

There are probably a good number of people for whom I would move the heavens and Earth if I could. But none of them would call me. I'm no one's best friend and I don't have a best friend.

My current 'best friend' at school is too busy text messaging his rotating female companions, whining about TAs, and hollering "how YOU doin'?" to half the university's female population. Which, honestly, is fine BECAUSE he's a he.

I need a girl friend.

So. Here's your chance to apply. I know, I know - don't all jump through your screens at once.


- must be female (otherwise you're not a GIRL friend - though I've always gotten along with the guys better - is THAT my problem??)
- must give a damn
- must give AND take - please no more take-take-take-ers. I've got nothing left for you people. I have one word for you people and I don't want to use it because I've already written two I'm sure will startle some of my readers. (Sorry)
- must NOT already/currently HAVE a "best friend" or use the term to describe someone else - it's horrendously difficult to have one's best friend's best friend be someone else. Relationship MUST be fully and completely reciprocal. Or it won't work.
- must NOT be my mother (I love you Mom!!! Thanks for being my one-and-only always-constant best friend!! I wish you were here today!)
- must have DESIRE to just hang out and play with me on occasion, outside of either of our residences. Child-free.
- must not be an idiot. Now, this is OBVIOUSLY subjective - my prof. thinks I'M an idiot, sooo....idiots, apply at your own risk.
- must NOT be high-maintenance - must be able to be satisfied with a best friend (me) who's also a mom, wife, 4th year student, business owner, daughter, sister, runner, choir director, pianist, secretary, and may have some other acquaintances that need help and/or assistance at times, while also being willing to work on the friendship to ensure it is and stays BEST.
- must be encouraging when needed
- must be ready, willing, and able to tell me when I'M an idiot, without making me want to slap you. Which I'd never do, but I'd for sure want to. Don't pussy-foot around me.
- must be someone I enjoy! (You know sometimes you like someone but they're just trying to be around for some reason? Like, you're just not....the same enough or something? There's a WEIRD lull in the conversation or your head hurts when they leave from over or understimulation....)

NO high-maintenance individuals, please. Common interests are a plus but are not a requirement. No previous experience required.

Please submit your application in writing via the comments link. ('Anonymous' comments are welcomed, but without some sort of identifier I won't know who you are, which is fine unless you're the successful candidate).

Applications will be accepted until....forever. Please, someone, be my friend.


stephs.unforgettable.moments said...

Okay, so I know I left our msn conversation in order to do work, but I couldn't help checking to see if the blog has been updated. And by goly. I am sooo glad I did.
I am really sorry to hear about the awfulness of your professor. Just know he would have said that information to anyone, you just happened to be the target he picked on for the day. If he was a good teacher he would have approached the situation differently. I know from experience/my future expereicne. He's probably a very mean grinch, who deserve coal for christmas. But Red look at the brightside. One last week with that man, then thats it. One more semister of school then thats it. School will soon be over and life will calm down and become so much more joyful. I know it, and i'm sure you do to, just look at the amazing role models we have to follow (our mothers). As a small side note. I would love to apply for this friendship application. As much as i'm sure you'll deny me, because of my shortage of age, just know that I really am here for you. Anytime. I lack a life haha. I also talk about you all the time, i'm sure your creeped out haha but really its as if you are my best friend. Weird I used the word your someone your looking for *wink*.
I love you loads MRS. RED!!
I'm going to make a visit this week soon, and give you the BBBBIIIIGGGGEEEESSSSTTTT hug ever. Hugs are the best.

p.s let me know how my application get's processed.

Shop Girl* said...

Oh my dear... do I ever know how you feel. I wrote about this 2 months ago, remember? It's hard feeling this way, and all people tell you is "go out more!" "meet more people!". And I'm like, "with what time?!?!"

I hope you find a someone nearby whom you can call on days like today. xo

Anonymous said...

SOOO ... I know that we dont think of eathother as friends ... not sure what you even classify me as really .. prob the crazy girl that a friend meet at school and hell she'll buy scrapbooking stuff from me so lets keep her around (hint)

But can I just say that I love the fact that I know you, reading your blogs keeping some what in touch via parties and by facebook.

With that said I feel the same way as you do at times ... I have a best friend but that best friend is my husband and who do you talk with when your problems are about him or he doesn't see my side of things right ??

I feel so bad that you are having a hard time and think that you need to talk with someone perhaps who has done the SAME crazy thing you are doing.... SO here it is a one time offer !!!

I went to school (just graduated) I have a 3.5year old, I work full time and have several home based businesses that keep me super busy. I sometimes dont even have time to breath. Not to forget that I am a devoted wife, sister, and daughter to the most important people in my life. I have almost NO girlfriends as I really truley really only get along with men ... My time is limited but i ALWAYS make time for friends and would go to the end of the world and back if thats the amount of time that was required to talk and help and be the ear that was required.

If you think that you can manage listening to me posibly break down and cry sometimes with you and also listen to my problems which in somecases perhaps you dont believe in then I would love to help you and fill in your bestie!!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm totally lost of what you just said above, but i am anyways with your mass emails that you send me, and i don't mean mass as in lots of emails.......well wait.....that too since you do have your own folder on my hotmail but how long you talk which is the cutest thing ever cause then I don't have to talk. and i'm sending you hugs cause you are awesome in lots of ways and so is your hubby. soooooooooooooooo xoxoxoxooxoxoxooxoxoxox